# # Simulation to 'simulate' SRP # -- code: Michael Duane/AMD. # # Load this file in 'deckbuild' to run this simulation. # # CM 6/23/95 go athena line x loc=0 spac=.1 line x loc=.1 spac=.1 line y loc=0 spac=.03 line y loc=1.2 spac=.01 line y loc=3 spac=.03 init silicon c.boron=1.0e15 orientation=100 implant phos dose=5e12 energy=100 depo oxide thick=.0200 diff temp=1100 time=100 extract name="sims" curve(depth,abs(net silicon mat.occ=1)) outfile="sims.dat" extract name="srp" curve(depth,abs(srp silicon mat.occ=1)) outfile="srp.dat" tonyplot sims.dat srp.dat # make overlay, then plot/display; y scale=log; select net and srp etch above p1.y=1 extract name="sims" curve(depth,abs(net silicon mat.occ=1)) outfile="sims1.dat" extract name="srp" curve(depth,abs(srp silicon mat.occ=1)) outfile="srp1.dat" tonyplot sims1.dat srp1.datResults of this simulation: